Friday, June 26, 2009

I don't deserve to get the stuffs I desire :/
on the another hand..
I should work harder

Blargh. Shoot me -_-

I've so many tasks to do ):

shoot me again

I envy evo

shoot me AGAIN AGAIN!

I have three bruises on my body
pls do not hit my right shoulder ): thanks to 2 mean fellas, my shoulder hurts so bad. argh.
pls do not poke the bruise on my right knee continuously like how jannah did to my old bruise
pls do not hit my right kidney, i hit it on the stairs railing.
all my bruises are on the right side, ironic?

I strongly dislike G.A.C.

I need a physiatrist!
my emotional state is currently really UNSTABLE -__-
i tend to get pissed easily, even over the most silliest matter
example: 'guns' was being ugly so i slapped him in his face. ngeheh!

Today is the second time in my life where i actually wipe windows :)
i am so proud

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